28 Nov A GIFT
A child is a beautiful gift.
A child touches your life in ways you never imagined possible. The moment you meet your child you love them more than life itself – a love completely unfathomable prior to the moment you meet. You realise just how lucky you have become – two wondrous eyes and a perfect heart beat now matching your own. So many wonderful things shifting inside of yourself to prepare you for the journey of a life time about to start. In that moment you become so more than you knew you could be. In that moment a dozen thoughts come into your mind, already imagining the joys to come – their first steps, their first bike ride and the first time they eagerly run through the school gates. A child is a beautiful gift that alters every fiber of your being and changes your life forever, in the best possible way.
It was a pleasure to capture some moments of little Hudson and his beautiful family!
2018 Newborn bookings almost full, now also taking bookings for the beginning of 2019. Contact Peta to secure your session.
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