01 Jul That fresh newborn baby scent – Hobart Newborn Photographer
Have you ever smelt the top of a newborn’s head? It would be top 3 one of the most amazing smells in the entire world (Chocolate would probably be in there too, right?). Those who have sniffed the top of their baby’s head will just know. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could just bottle that up and keep it forever, a baby version of new car scent!
Like a fresh newborn, it’s hard to explain that new baby smell, which is much like the love we feel for them. This new amazing little bundle. How does one even begin to explain the way our hearts explode with love for them.
From the beginning of life, growing inside, to being born and meeting them for the first time it’s incredible to know a piece of ourselves exists within them, and they too continue to exist deep in our hearts, filling our lives with more joy than you could ever dream about.
Baby Ari was a tiny delight, and I enjoyed capturing his very first portraits at his newborn session in the studio.
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