Around New Years we tend to make resolutions for things we hope and dream for the future. We do similar things when we are about to become parents, we make wishes or plans for the type of parent we hope to be. Sometimes you remember your own childhood and the memories or events that made it and we use them to mould the type of role model we hope to be for our own children.
Still, like New Years resolutions we sometimes find that what we envisioned parenthood to be, is not always how it is. Sometimes you go from mashing your own organic, home cooked pumpkin to pretending you didn’t see them drop a cracker on the floor and then immediately back into their mouth. Your immaculate car now has a chicken nugget so old it has practically fossilised under the car seat.
One thing we have in common though is a desire to be the best parent we can be, even when our reality sometimes falls short of our best intentions, we wake up each morning hoping to be the best us. We muddle our way through, sometimes getting it right and sometimes wishing we had done something differently but in the end the journey is what matters.
It was more than a pleasure to meet baby Sebastian and his lovely little family this year!
Thinking of starting 2019 with a photoshoot of your precious family to keep for years to come? Contact Peta today and book your 2019 sessions to ensure availability, January is now fully booked!
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