06 Nov Fleeting Moments
When a new baby arrives, even the most simplest things bring so much joy. The way they can snuggle so easily into your arms, how their chest rises and falls so peacefully as they sleep, when you gently run your hands through their silky soft baby hair and the way they stretch out all those little fingers and toes. It’s such a time of discovery. Learning how to take care of these little people who depend on us. Bonding with each other, taking in all these fleeting moments because they change and grow so quickly.
Babies definitely teach us to soak in all these moments and never take even the littlest things for granted.
APRIL bookings will open soon. Please let me know if you’d like to be added to the list to be notified when these open.
JAN – almost fully booked
FEB & MARCH – now booking (though so spaces are limited)
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