24 Feb A new Adventure – Sloane’s Newborn Session
Do you ever wonder if there is a reason they make babies so small? They are the perfect size to hold in our arms and envelope with our love. To be their protector and then have the privilege of watching them grow, giving them the confidence and strength to become their own person leading by our example. Always walking beside them down this road of parenthood, where the road never ends, but it’s full of interesting twists and turns. It’s truly an adventure.
It was so great to see this family back in the studio for newborn portraits of their second little love, Sloane. Big brother Vance has grown into the sweetest boy!
Please ensure you book your Newborn and Baby photography sessions in advance as spaces are limited and fill quickly. Pricing and product information can be viewed here. Contact Peta for more information and to book your session.
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