
A child is a beautiful gift. A child touches your life in ways you never imagined possible. The moment you meet your child you love them more than life itself - a love completely unfathomable prior to the moment you meet. You realise just how lucky...

"A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside… when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone." — Author Unknown Little Madeline Rose was such a little star during her session. Very...

New life is an incredible thing to witness.  Suddenly, when your precious little one is born, what you thought you knew about love grows in ways that we never thought it could. That love continues to grow just as our child does. The first few...

"Having a baby is a life-changer. It gives you a whole other perspective on why you wake up every day." ~ Taylor Hanson Every so often I will get a baby in the studio that is a little above the "average" weight for a newborn. Little...

I'm often asked if I only photographed Newborns, and the answer to that is no. My next most favourite age to photograph is 6-9 months old, this is such a milestone age. Baby has most likely learnt to sit unaided within this time and have...

Although your baby has only been in your life a short while, you can barely remember when it was just the two of you. It's like your baby has always been a part of your life and wouldn't want it any other way. It was an...

It's crazy how a baby can make you more fearless and more fearful than you ever imagined, all at the same time. You just want to protect them from any harm and you know you'd walk to the ends of the earth to do that....

The love for your child is the kind of love that's indescribable, it's forgiving and it's endless. It's a "no matter what" kind of love. You will feel your heart expand beyond anything you could ever imagine. I feel so honoured to have met this beautiful...

When you thought you couldn’t possibly love someone any more than this beautiful baby, a new hour ticks over and your heart swells once more. Having a baby brings a depth of love that’s hard to imagine. Your life has a newfound sense of greatness...